Tips For Capturing Nature Through Landscape Photography

Climate change is one of the most relevant issues across the world at the moment. And you, as a photographer, can use your talent to raise awareness.

With landscape photography, we can show the impact of humans on the environment, as well as the positive effects that climate awareness has on our planet. From deforestation to reforestation, from industrialization to the production of renewable energies. And huge etcetera.

Here at Freepik, we think of photography as a powerful tool to tell our planet’s story. In this post, we share with you useful tips for capturing nature through landscape photography.  

man sitting with plantPhoto by jcomp

1. Camera Equipment

The camera and the accessories you use are essential to capture your envision. When choosing the equipment, the first thing to bear in mind is what kind of photo you will be taking. In the case of landscape photography, these are the accessories we recommend you take with you:


It goes without saying that having a camera is a must. But, if you really want to make the most of every panoramic vista in the great outdoors, you need a great camera!

Choose a camera for hiking that allows you to get to those far-flung places, so you can capture a landscape shot like never before.


Standard and wide-angle lenses are an excellent option as they provide a wider angle of view (which is key in landscape photography).


To capture nature, you’ll need a tripod. Opt for a lightweight and solid one. The tripod must allow you to change the head depending on the scene. 

Also, keeping your camera still is essential for working with long exposure (which is a crucial feature when it comes to landscape photography).

lake view nature landscape

man breathing nature

2. Camera Settings

Every scene is a whole world, which means that the camera settings you use will be different as well. In the case of landscape photography for nature settings, we recommend you…

  • Work with a proper depth of field
  • Use an aperture value of 8 or 11. It’s important to avoid close apertures, as these increase contrast and affect the quality of the image.
  • Shoot using long exposure times. However, working with long exposure (2, 10, 30) may generate unwanted noise in the image. Some cameras include the feature Long Exposure Noise Reduction. If that’s the case of your camera, activate this option before shooting.
  • Make sure light doesn’t go directly through the lens when shooting at night. This may cause veiling glare, affect the contrast or alter dominant colors
  • Find a balance between ISO and exposure to avoid unwanted noise that may be generated after increasing these two values.

night street landscapePhoto by jcomp

mountain landscapePhoto by kjpargeter

3. Find the perfect exposure

The word around us is diverse, multiple, and vibrant, and so are the infinite scenes you can capture when shooting landscapes. That’s why using proper exposure is essential to take compelling photos. 

The amount of light is different in every scene. In fact, you’re likely to find environments with bright and darker areas at the same time. For this reason, it’s important you know how to work with the exposure levels and get as much detail as possible in your shots. Plus, the exposure is a make-or-break factor that will avoid your images from coming out overexposed or underexposed.

But, exposure bracketing doesn’t come alone. It depends on other factors, such as ISO, diaphragm aperture, or color temperature.  So you must make sure you adjust these parameters correctly. 

rock waterfall landscapePhoto by zirconicusso

maldives island landscapePhoto by lifeforstock

Another element to take into account when adjusting the exposure is focus. In this case, the best option is the manual focus, since it gives you total control of the focus. So, after setting the focus on your scene, we recommend you activate the manual focus and don’t switch it between shots. 

Use the shutter speed to modify the exposure levels. This way, the optical quality won’t be affected. If the exposure time is considerably long, we suggest you use a remote control to avoid moving the camera between shots. 

4. Filters

Filters are a good option to play around with lighting effects and getting the correct amount of light in the entire photo. Among all filters, graduated neutral filters are the best option. Are you familiar with them? These include a gradual transition in the surface, from a darker side to a clear side. 

graduated neutral filters

Graduated neutral filters are effective in providing a smooth transition between bright and shadowed areas and get balanced exposure values.

foggy mountain landscape photoPhoto by photoangel

5. Landscapes from above

Drones have arrived to change landscape photography. Capturing our planet from above was something that only a few could access. And now, thanks to drones and advanced technology, it’s within reach of most professionals. This allows us to take high-quality landscapes from above, offering completely different perspectives.

salt lake landscape with dronePhoto by nikitabuida

aerial view beach with dronePhoto by lifeforstock

Apart from these technical specs, the way you envision the landscape is essential. Put these tips into practice and take compelling landscapes that speak the truth of the world around us. Use photography as storytelling of beauty and change.

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