Made by women: Get inspired by our female contributors

On a day like this, we would love to give a voice to women. A voice that is made by lots of other ones and sounds fearless, hardworking and empowered. Just like our contributors’: creators that inspire and empower other women on an endless chain.

Because one of the greatest things about this job is having the chance to speak through creations that are going to travel all over the world. Designs, pictures and photographs full of messages and feelings about to leave a mark on someone. That’s why today we would like to recognize the work of all those women who share their own way of seeing and understanding the world with all of us. Thank you so much for sharing your art with us!

Just like Qurat, Joice and Olga, Freepik contributors that have gave given us their time in such an important date for all of us. Enjoy the interviews!


We would love to know about you! Tell us who you are and explain your job in two or three sentences.
My name is Qurat Ul Ain Ali Hira I am from Pakistan by profession I am a scientist while I am working as a graphic designer for the past seven years.

What made you choose this profession?
From my childhood, my design skills are really good so I build them as my passion to design and create new things with different colours and elements as I enjoy playing with colours. After completing high school, I realized that I should try to learn some digital skills to turn my work into digitalized form. This was the beginning of my graphic design journey.

Who were (and are) your female references?
My female reference is our Dr Fatima Jinnah also known as Mother of the Nation of Pakistan.

Do you think that women are adequately represented in your country and sector?
Women act as a leading pillar for the betterment of any nation. Any nation can’t stand strong in today’s world If its women are weak. I would like to add this sentence here“For building a strong nation it’s would necessarily be nourished in stronger women’s lave”. In Pakistan 49.2% of our population are women. Our irony ladies are leading in every sector, they are strong enough by covering all those industries as smaller like makings bricks to flying fighter jets.

Do you think that women in your field have more power to encourage the female sector due to your work’s visibility and should take the opportunity?
Yes, women in the designer’s field have huge power and skills though they can introduce themself to the world without any external support. I would personally like to invite our sector women to join this platform and avail this opportunity to represent themselves as creative minds human and prove it in front of the world.


We would love to know about you! Tell us who you are and explain your job in two or three sentences.
My name is Joice, I’ve been working with graphic design for over 10 years. Currently I work with vector illustrations.

What made you choose this profession?
I’ve always been very passionate about art, since I was little my mother always taught me to make some crafts, and also, to draw. Time passed, I was dedicating myself to drawing and increasingly delving into this area.

How can Freepik help the female community to grow?
Freepik is a great opportunity to get our work recognized around the world, so it’s always good to encourage new female designers to sign up as contributors.

How have you overcome barriers in your career due to being a woman? (If you ever found any)
During my working life, I had good jobs that helped me grow professionally and mentally. Until I decided for myself, to work with what I like and aimed at the female audience. When I started my own business, I started by creating visual identities for women microentrepreneurs.

Do you feel lifted up by other women in your sector?
On my social networks I have the privilege of being surrounded by many wonderful women followers, who encourage me more and more to move forward with my work, and who inspire me a lot too!


We would love to know about you! Tell us who you are and explain your job in two or three sentences.
I’m professional travel and nature photographer and have been doing stock photography for more than 10 years.  I travel to the most beautiful places in the world and reflect my creative view in my work.

What made you choose this profession?
I am an artist by professional education and I have always been interested in creativity in any manifestations. I have been interested in photography since childhood and have always dreamed of making it my profession. Stock photography made my dream come true to do what I love.

Do you think that women are sufficiently represented in your country and sector?
As far as I know, there are a lot of women in my country who are engaged in stock photography and video, they are successful in their business.  Also, many of them organize workshops of photo and video processing and content promotion on stock photography platforms

How have you overcome barriers in your career due to being a woman? (If you ever found any)
I think this is a business where there are no gender restrictions and there are no difficulties or obstacles to building a career. It doesn’t matter if you are a woman or a man, you need to create unique high-quality content and promote it on the marketplaces.

What would you say to other women that are considering joining the sector?
I would like to wish those women who decide to join the sector to be bolder in their decisions, to develop in new areas of creativity, and most importantly – not to give up what they started.

No one better than them can tell us what it is like to be a woman in such an important field. We wish you have felt inspired by these amazing women and that all of you who where thinking about joining them have felt empowered to share your work with the world.

Remember to share your referral link with other creative women and help the community growth!