Low poly: live your cutest life

Are you ready to discover a new facet of the ‘low poly’ trend? While this technique used to be based on geometric shapes and polyhedra, today we’re going to talk about its cutest and 3D version!

In this post, we will explore the new wave of “low poly” designs that are adorable and how you can create your own works of art with this trend. So get ready to immerse yourself in a world of sweetness and creativity! Here are some tips.


  • Master 3D tools: To design in 3D with the “low poly” trend, it is crucial to master 3D modeling tools. You can use programs like Blender, Maya, Cinema 4D, or other options available in the market. Learn how to use modeling tools to create geometric and polygonal shapes accurately and efficiently. Also, familiarize yourself with the texturing and rendering options to bring life and realism to your 3D “low poly” designs.

  • Plan the topology: Topology refers to the distribution and structure of polygons in a 3D model. In “low poly” design, topology is essential to achieve the characteristic geometric and polygonal look. Carefully plan the topology of your model to ensure that polygons are well distributed and optimized to maintain a clean and defined appearance. This is especially important if you plan to animate your models as proper topology will facilitate the animation process.
  • Play with composition and perspective: Composition and perspective are key elements in 3D design. Experiment with different compositions and perspectives to create interesting visual effects in your “low poly” designs. You can play with the position and orientation of geometric shapes to create attractive and dynamic compositions. Moreover, the right perspective can help highlight the depth and dimensions of your models.

  • Add subtle details and textures: Although the “low poly” style is characterized by simple geometric shapes, you can add subtle details and textures to bring more realism and personality to your 3D designs. For example, you can add textures with subtle patterns to certain areas of your models or include details such as rounded edges or smooth curves to give them a softer and cuter look. The key is to find the right balance between the simplicity of the “low poly” style and the subtle details that bring interest and personality to your designs.
  • Play with the color palette: Color choice is crucial in any design, and the “low poly” style in 3D is no exception. Experiment with different color combinations to create impactful and attractive visual effects. You can opt for bright and vibrant colors to highlight the geometric shapes of your “low poly” models or choose pastel colors to give them a softer and naive look. Play with the color palette to create harmony and balance in your 3D designs.

  • Seek inspiration from the world around you: The “low poly” trend is based on geometric and polygonal shapes, but you can also find inspiration from the world around you to create unique and fascinating designs. Observe nature, architecture, fashion, or other visual elements in your environment to get creative ideas and apply them to your 3D “low poly” designs. Combine the geometric aesthetic with elements inspired by the real world to create stunning and original designs.