Kirsty Pargeter’s success story: how to earn money with your designs
In this post we want to introduce you to Kirsty Pargeter, one of our most succesful contributor in Freepik. She became a contributor only two months ago but she has already achieved more than 1 million downloads on her designs and has earned more than $5,400 with Freepik’s contributor model.
Don’t miss the success story behind Kirsty’s designs and get inspired to start to earn money with your designs.
” I have been extremely pleased with the amount of downloads I am receiving at Freepik and am looking forward to being a regular contributor”
1. Please Kirsty, tell our followers a bit about yourself and your porftolio. How many designs have you designed through out your life? When did you start to design? What style do you feel more comfortable designing?
2. I have noticed you have accounts in various platforms such as Shutterstock, Fotolia, istock, etc. Why did you choose to share your work at Freepik as well? What attracted you of Freepik?
3. According to you, what would be the main advantages you would highlight of working with Freepik’s contributor model (Payment per Download) compared to what other platforms offer you?
4. What is the maximum earnings you have achieved in an illustration at Freepik? When did you upload that illustration? In General, are you satisfied the earnings you receive at Freepik for all your files?
5. About Freepik’s Business Model. Do you believe that offering your illustrations for free to users to download whenever they like, devaluates your designs?
I don’t think offering your images for free devalues my designs – I upload to various stock sites and receive sometimes 5 cents for a downloaded image. I think that because it is free encourages people to download more images, so I can earn more money.
6. You roughly joined Freepik just 2 months ago and you have already achieved great success. In your opinion, What do you think is the secret behind this success?
7. What advice would you give to other designers who decide to join Freepik through the “Become a Contributor” Model ?
My advice to any future contributors of Freepik is to make sure you have a varied portfolio with a combination of various styles of design so that customers are able to see a broad range of images from you. Also make sure you upload images regular to keep your portfolio fresh.
“The key to success is to upload a variety of designs on a regular basis and being very aware of any holidays coming up”

About Freepik’s contributor model
If you become a contributor you can share your vector illustrations at Freepik and show the world what your designs are worth because we value the work you do with the following advantages for you:
- Non-exclusive agreement
- Extra Cash immediately: get paid for content that is not generating income at other sites
- Be credited as the author of your designs.
- Gain exposure for your designs sharing your work with more than 15 million monthly users.